
 This is the weather by ZIP code demo in which the user speaks the ZIP code 
 and the HTTP GET transaction is performed asynchronously.
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Namespace;
import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder;
import org.jdom.filter.ElementFilter;

import java.lang.System;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Hashtable;

import com.IVRForBeginners.*;

All Java IVR applications are implemented as classes derived from our base
public class JavaWeatherSR extends JavaClientCall implements Runnable
 // The requested ZIP comes from the user, the web service helps us create the weather forecast
 private String zip;
 private String weather;
//The IDs of the grammars we need - these are completely arbitrary
 private static final int ZipGrammarId  = 22;
 private static final int QuitGrammarId = 37;
 // The portion of the HTTP query which is constant across all requests 
 private static String server       = "";
 private static String baseQuery    = "/forecastrss?p=";
 private static String namespaceURI = "";
 //The welcome that assures the user he called the proper number
 private static String welcome = "Welcome to the weather demonstration application.";

 // The prompt asking for the ZIP code
 private static String prompt = "Please tell me the ZIP code for the town whose weather forecast you want to 

hear, or say good bye.";;

 // The response we deliver if we fail to find the weather for the ZIP requested
 private static String NoWeatherAvailable = "We had trouble determining the weather for that ZIP code. " +
                                            "If the ZIP code is valid you can try again later.";
 // The hash-table to translate state abbreviations to text 
 private static Hashtable states;
 //The property names of the components ( i.e. digits ) of our grammar
 private static String propertyNames[];
 //The references to the recognizer and synthesizer used by this call
 private IRecognizer  rec;
 private ISynthesizer syn;
  This method is called once when the application is loaded. It opens and 
  reads a properties file containing the user name and password for the web 
  service. It would be somewhat shorter if we wanted to hard-code the 
  credentials. It also builds a couple of hash tables for later use.
 static public boolean Initialize()
  String  exceptionText;
  boolean ok;
  ok = false;
  exceptionText = "";
   // Build the hash tables for expanding abbreviations
   ok = true;
  // Our original caller is either the server or simulator and both of them
  // are native applications. For that reason we need to catch any exception 
  // and return status rather than allow it to bubble up.
  catch ( Exception e )
   exceptionText = e.getMessage();

  if ( !ok )
   System.out.println( "Initialization fails: " + exceptionText );
  return ok;
  Implement the voice user interface (VUI) here. It's always best to 
  separate presentation from the rest of an application
 public void Answer()
  int                  i, conf;
  long                 millis;
  StringBuffer         buffer;
  JavaClientCallThread thread;

  thread = null;

   // We take exception to the caller's hanging up on us
   // Get an instance of the recognizer
   // Load a grammar that handles the request for the ZIP code
   // Load another that handles the request to quit the application

   rec = getRecognizer();
   rec.loadGrammar("ZIP",  ZipGrammarId);
   rec.loadGrammar("Quit", QuitGrammarId);
   // Get an instance of the synthesizer and use it to greet the caller
   // Wait for the greeting to complete
   syn = getSynthesizer();
   // Loop - prompt, wait, accept, fetch, deliver
   while ( !isDisconnected() )
    // Start listening first and then prompt the caller
    // for what we we want him to say ( a 5 digit ZIP code )

    // Wait 10 seconds for the user to begin speaking and
    // 30 seconds total. After the wait the recognizer 
    // will tell us how it did

    conf = rec.wait(10000, 30000);

    // Stop listening


    // Dump the state of the recognition for debugging
    // On an error or disconnect we are done

    if ( conf < 0 )

    // Arbitrarily we decide 65% confidence is our threashold

    if ( conf < 6500 )
    // If we recognized any phrase in the Quit grammar then we are done

    if ( rec.getGrammarId() == QuitGrammarId )
   	// Otherwise, get the text of the recognition for each of the parts 
    // of the recognition ( here digits ) by using the name of the 
    // property corresponding to each part
    buffer = new StringBuffer();
    for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
     buffer.append( rec.getPropertyText( propertyNames[i] ) );
    // Do we have a five digit ZIP code?
    // If not, we are done
    zip = buffer.toString();  
    if ( zip.length() != 5 )
    // If so, tell the user to wait ...
    syn.speak("Please wait ...");
    // Start an asynchronous request of the web service 
    thread = BeginFetchWeather();
    if ( thread != null )
     // Spin while the content fetch is ongoing and the user is on the line
     while ( thread.isAlive() && !isDisconnected() )
      // Amuse the user with "music on hold" while we wait

      millis = playMessage("strumming");
      // Wait for the request to complete, the music to stop,
      // or for the user to hang up. When the music stops we
      // just play it again but we could count the iterations
      // of the loop if we wanted to enforce a time out.

    // When the content arrives, we kill the music, 
    // add a bit of silence and then deliver the 
    // forecast to the caller
    if ( weather == null )
     weather = NoWeatherAvailable;	


    // While speaking we add an entry to the call detail records
    cdrStatusMessage(0, zip);
    cdrStatusMessage(1, weather);
    // Wait while the user listens to the forecast

   // Be polite and say good bye

   syn.speak("Good bye.");

  // If the caller hangs up we come here
  catch ( JavaClientCallTermination e1 )
   System.out.print( e1.getMessage() );
   if ( (thread != null) && thread.isAlive() )
    // If you find a need to terminate the content
   	// fetch when the user hangs up, here is where
   	// you do that. In this little demo, it's not
   	// worth the trouble.

  // If something bad happens we come here
  catch ( Exception e2 )
   System.out.println( e2.getMessage() );
  // Return to the server which will hangup, release the synthesizer etc
  * Build the hash table that expands the wind direction abbreviations
 private static String Direction(int degrees)
  String dir;

  if ( degrees <= 11 )
   dir = "north";

  else if ( degrees <= 33 )
   dir = "north northeast";

  else if ( degrees <= 56 )
   dir = "northeast";

  else if ( degrees < 78.75 )
   dir = "east northeast";

  else if ( degrees <= 101 )
   dir = "east";

  else if ( degrees <= 123 )
   dir = "east southeast";

  else if ( degrees <= 146 )
   dir = "southeast";

  else if ( degrees <= 168 )
   dir = "south southeast";

  else if ( degrees <= 191 )
   dir = "south";

  else if ( degrees <= 213 )
   dir = "south southwest";

  else if ( degrees <= 236 )
   dir = "southwest";

  else if ( degrees <= 258 )
   dir = "west southwest";

  else if ( degrees <= 281 )
   dir = "west";

  else if ( degrees <= 303 )
   dir = "west northwest";

  else if ( degrees <= 326 )
   dir = "northwest";

  else if ( degrees <= 348 )
   dir = "north northwest";

   dir = "north";

  return dir;
  * Build the hash table we use to expand the state abbreviations
 private static void BuildStatesTable()
  if ( states == null )
   states = new Hashtable();
   states.put("AL", "Alabama"); 
   states.put("AK", "Alaska");
   states.put("AZ", "Arizona");
   states.put("AR", "Arkansas"); 
   states.put("CA", "California");
   states.put("CO", "Colorado");
   states.put("CT", "Connecticut");
   states.put("DE", "Delaware");
   states.put("DC", "D C");
   states.put("FL", "Florida");
   states.put("GA", "Georgia");
   states.put("HI", "Hawaii");
   states.put("ID", "Idaho");
   states.put("IL", "Illinois");
   states.put("IN", "Indiana");
   states.put("IA", "Iowa");
   states.put("KS", "Kansas");
   states.put("KY", "Kentucky");
   states.put("LA", "Louisiana");
   states.put("ME", "Maine");
   states.put("MD", "Maryland");
   states.put("MA", "Massachusetts");
   states.put("MI", "Michigan");
   states.put("MN", "Minnesota");
   states.put("MS", "Mississippi");
   states.put("MO", "Missouri"); 
   states.put("MT", "Montana");
   states.put("NE", "Nebraska");
   states.put("NV", "Nevada");
   states.put("NH", "New Hampshire");
   states.put("NJ", "New Jersey");
   states.put("NM", "New Mexico");
   states.put("NY", "New York");
   states.put("NC", "North Carolina");
   states.put("ND", "North Dakota");
   states.put("OH", "Ohio");
   states.put("OK", "Oklahoma");
   states.put("OR", "Oregon");
   states.put("PA", "Pennsylvania");
   states.put("PR", "Puerto Rico");
   states.put("RI", "Rhode Island");
   states.put("SC", "South Carolina");
   states.put("SD", "South Dakota");
   states.put("TN", "Tennessee");
   states.put("TX", "Texas");
   states.put("UT", "Utah");
   states.put("VT", "Vermont");
   states.put("VA", "Virginia");
   states.put("WA", "Washington");
   states.put("WV", "West Virginia");
   states.put("WI", "Wisconsin");
   states.put("WY", "Wyoming");
 private static void BuildPropertyNames()
  propertyNames = new String[5];

  propertyNames[0] = "Digit1";
  propertyNames[1] = "Digit2";
  propertyNames[2] = "Digit3";
  propertyNames[3] = "Digit4";
  propertyNames[4] = "Digit5";
 private void NoRecognition()
  syn.speak("I'm sorry, but I didn't get that.");
  * Pulls the city from the XML forecast
 private String GetCity(Element root)
  String   city, temp1, temp2;
  Element  ele;
  Iterator itr;

  itr  = root.getDescendants( new ElementFilter("location") );
  ele = (Element);
  temp1 = ele.getAttributeValue("city");
  temp2 = ele.getAttributeValue("region");
  if ( states.containsKey(temp2) )
   city = temp1 + " " + states.get(temp2);

    city = temp1 + " " + temp2;
  return city;
  * Pulls the wind details from the XML document
 private String GetWind(Element root)
  int      degrees;
  String   wind, temp1, temp2;
  Element  ele;
  Iterator itr;

  itr  = root.getDescendants( new ElementFilter("wind") );
  ele  = (Element);
  temp1 = ele.getAttributeValue("direction");
  temp2 = ele.getAttributeValue("speed");
  degrees = Integer.parseInt(temp1);
  wind = "from the " + Direction(degrees) + " at " + temp2 + " miles per hour";

  return wind;
  * Pulls the temperature from the XML document
 private String GetTemperature(Element root)
  String   temp;
  Element  ele;
  Iterator itr;

  itr  = root.getDescendants( new ElementFilter("condition") );
  ele  = (Element);
  temp = ele.getAttributeValue("temp") + " degrees Fahrenheit";

  return temp;
  * Builds the weather forecast from the XML document
 private String GetOutlook(Element root)
  String   outlook;
  Element  ele;
  Iterator itr;
  itr  = root.getDescendants( new ElementFilter("condition") );
  ele  = (Element);
  outlook = ele.getAttributeValue("text");

  return outlook;
  * This is a thread procedure which initiates an HTTP GET of the web 
  * service, receives the XML response, splits the document into its parts 
  * and builds a weather forecast string in plain text. In short it deals
  * with content. It should not interact with the user.
 public void run()
  int               code;	
  URL               url;
  String            city, outlook, temp, wind;
  Element           root;
  Document          doc;
  SAXBuilder        builder;
  InputStream       is;
  StringBuffer      msg;
  HttpURLConnection con;
   // Compose an HTTP GET request
   url = new URL("http", server, baseQuery + zip);
   // Create a connection to the web service
   con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
   // Did the service accommodate use
   code = con.getResponseCode();
   // If so, build a forecast from the XML document that was returned 
   if ( code == 200 )
    is = con.getInputStream();
    // Build an XML document from the text

    builder = new SAXBuilder();
    doc =;
    // Close the connection
    // Locate the root element and specify the namespace
    root = doc.getRootElement();
    root.setNamespace( Namespace.getNamespace(namespaceURI) );
    // Extract the city, temperature, wind speed and direction and forecast

    city    = GetCity(root);
    temp    = GetTemperature(root);
    wind    = GetWind(root);
    outlook = GetOutlook(root);
    // Create a string buffer
    msg = new StringBuffer(256);
    // Build our forecast into the buffer from the parts extracted above
    msg.append("In ");
    msg.append(", the weather is ");
    msg.append(" with a temperature of ");
    msg.append(". The winds are ");
    // Create a string from the buffer
    weather = msg.toString();    
  // We will apologize if the web service fails us

  catch ( Exception e )
   System.out.println( e.getMessage() );
  * Start the access to the weather web service. We'll do that on a 
  * background thread.
  * Rather than a plain old thread object we use one of our own. Like the
  * one on which it is based, the first argument to its constructor is an
  * instance of an object which implements the Runnable interface. The
  * second is an instance of a call object. 
  * Our class's join methods return not only when the thread terminates 
  * but also when the call terminates, whichever comes first.
 private JavaClientCallThread BeginFetchWeather()
  JavaClientCallThread thread;
  thread = null;
  weather = null;

   thread = new JavaClientCallThread(this, this);

  // If we fail to create the thread will offer a canned  
  // message in the place of the weather forecast 
  catch ( Exception e )
   thread = null;	
   System.out.println( e.getMessage() );
  return thread; 